Deploy PDQ Detect Agent for Windows using PDQ Connect


PDQ Connect can be used to deploy applications as custom packages to endpoints with an internet connection which have your Connect agent installed. Below, you'll find instructions for how to create a custom package to deploy the PDQ Detect agent using Connect.


You may notice the names CODA and Footprint on this platform, and we may link to some CODA-specific documentation. CODA and PDQ Detect refer to the same platform. You know how it goes after companies combine forces - sometimes the branding takes a little while to settle down. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


PDQ Connect supports Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 or newer, and you may use Connect to deploy the PDQ Detect agent onto these endpoints.

If you wish to install the PDQ Detect Agent onto any older Windows endpoints (Windows 7+/Windows Server 2008 R2+) in order to catalog their inherent vulnerabilities as operating systems past their end-of-support, you may install the Detect Agent onto these endpoints manually.

Download the Detect Agent for Windows installer

  1. Log into the PDQ Detect Management Portal at
  2. On the left bar, click Scan Surface.
  3. On the top menu, click Agent-based Surface.
    • If Agent-based Surface does not appear here, you may need to enable this feature.
      1. Browse to Settings | Client Settings.
      2. Locate the Installation Mode, and select Enable Agent-based.
      3. Click Just enable the features.
      4. You can then return to Scan Surface and click Agent-based Surface.
  4. Switch to the Setup agents tab.
    • On the Use Detect Agents to gain more insights on your organization's internal security page, on the right side, you will see two important pieces of information which you will need to set up each endpoint:
      • 🌐Detect Agent Management URL:
      • 🔑Detect Agent Token (a unique alphanumeric token which your Internal Scanner VM will use to communicate with your PDQ Detect environment)
  5. Under the Windows logo, click Get | Download MSI Installer.
  6. Save the .msi file to a new, empty folder. 

Create a package in PDQ Connect

  1. Log into PDQ Connect at
  2. On the left bar, click Packages.
  3. In the top right corner, click Create package.
  4. Enter a Name and Version for the package.
  5. Click Add install step.
  6. On the Install step page, click Attach installer. Browse to the Detect Agent installer MSI you saved above, and click Open. The file will upload.
  7. When the upload is complete, enter the following under Arguments, making sure to include the correct values for your Detect Management URL ( and Detect Agent Token.
    /i "FootprintAgentInstaller.msi" /qn /L*V "output.log" SERVER_URL="" TOKEN="112233445566aabbccddeeffgg"
  8. Click Save.

Deploy the package

  1. Log into PDQ Connect at
  2. On the left bar, click Devices.
  3. Select one or more devices or groups, and then click Deploy in the top right corner.
  4. In the Create deployment window, search for the package you've created, and then select it.
  5. Click Deploy.
    For more detailed deployment instructions and options in Connect, see Deploying Packages.
  6. After you deploy the Application Pack and it has installed successfully onto an endpoint, you can view the deployed agent(s) in PDQ Detect under Scan Surface | Agent-based Surface | Deployed agents
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